Linking Jekyll pages back to their Git source code

Add a link back to the public Git hosting link for any static Jekyll blog.

Banner image for Linking Jekyll pages back to their Git source code

I’m a huge fan of open-source! One of the little ways I’ve supported the cause is by keeping this blog open since the very beginning. You can always browse the full source-code here. The reason is partly to let people see the history of changes behind each page. But also because I didn’t find many open-source Jekyll blogs to learn from when I started down this road. So I keep this website open in the hopes that my trials and errors will save someone else a lot of time.

I was recently asked by someone (shout-out to Seth!) to send them the Markdown source of one of my articles. This gave me the idea to add a permanent “View source” button to the footer of every article page. I’ll walk you through the process of adding this to your own Jekyll website.

Jekyll’s helpful variables have exactly what I was looking for: the page.path. This variable contains the raw filesystem path of each page. The official description even highlights its usefulness for linking back to the source!

I’ll use my article on creating Linux apps for webapps as an example. Printing {{ page.path }} within the article’s Markdown file outputs the following:


The above article’s source code is at the following path:

This means that prepending to any article’s page.path will generate a link back to its source code!

In Jekyll, generating this full link will look like this:

<a href="{{ page.path | prepend: site.content.blog_source_prefix }}" target="_blank">View source</a>

And it’s that’s easy :)


If you scroll down to the footer of this page, you should see a new “View source” link. Go ahead and try it out!

JEKYLL series

  1. Using variables in Jekyll to define custom content
  2. Introduction to Jekyll
  3. Inserting dynamic data into Jekyll static sites using Python or Bash
  4. Optimising JPG and PNG images for a Jekyll website
  5. Linking Jekyll pages back to their Git source code
  6. Easy pretty URL redirects with Jekyll and Netlify
  7. A practical guide to light and dark mode in Bootstrap 5 and Jekyll
  8. Create a series of posts with navigation in Jekyll
  9. ← previous post
    Optimising JPG and PNG images for a Jekyll website

    next post →
    Easy pretty URL redirects with Jekyll and Netlify

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