Reading JWT token in Phalcon

Here's how to read a response JSON web token in PHP Phalcon.

This works in Phalcon 2.0.13.

While I was working with JWT and Phalcon, I found that reading the HTTP Authorization header was not a cake walk. This is what my attempt looked like. The code isn’t glorious, but it got the job done. Hope this helps someone else.

 * Get Token
 * Reads the Authorization header BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY and returns the token contained within.
 * @access  private
 * @param   object  $request    Phalcon request object.
 * @return  string
private function _getToken ( $request )
    $token       = NULL;
    $auth_header = $request->getServer ( 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' );

    if ( empty( $auth_header ) ) {

        $auth_header = $request->getHeader ( 'Authorization' );

        if ( empty( $auth_header ) ) {

            $auth_header = $request->getHeader ( 'AUTHORIZATION' );

            if ( empty( $auth_header ) ) {

                $auth_header = $request->getHeader ( 'REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' );

    if ( ! empty( $auth_header ) ) {

        $auth_header = explode ( ' ', $auth_header );
        if ( count ( $auth_header ) == 2 ) {

            $token = $auth_header[ 1 ];

    return $token;

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